MaxValues magazine is also excited about 2014, which is fast approaching. Many advertisers are already signed up and locking into our print space. Please contact us about reserving your space for the 2014 before it runs out. Our first 2014 issue is already claiming to be very popular and space will grow further limited as we inch closer to the beginning of the new year.
With the massive success of MaxValue’s first year, we would like to thank all our advertisers and the public for all your support. We can’t do it with out you. All the businesses, from small and local to large and national, you became a part of our family and together we flourished. And to all our fans who cut coupons, take advantage of money-saving offers and who have made MaxValues magazine a part of their lives, we humbly thank you.
For information about advertising in our direct mail magazine, please call 440-447-0860 or visit our website @
Testimonials from our clients:
This advertiser testimonial was presented to our Dino’s Catering & Restaurants account executive, Mark Kosir: “we had a very good response”. -Mark Tibaldi, Owner (Dino’s Catering & Restaurants, Multiple Locations in the Cleveland area)
This advertiser testimonial was presented to our About Face Permanent Cosmetics account executive, Jim Jay: “I am very impressed with the results I am getting from the ads I have placed in the “MaxValues” magazine. Every spring I offer a “coupon special” to jump start my busy time of the year. Believe me, I have tried all local forms of advertising, but I have found this little paper to be the best vehicle I have ever used. My cash flow increases approximately 30% during the months I advertise with MaxValues. Who couldn’t use a 30% increase in their income? In addition to the great boost to my personal economy, the staff at MaxValues is professional, conscientious, and always helpful. I highly recommend this little magazine to anyone who would like their own personal stimulus package!” -Gail Tullio (About Face Permanent Cosmetics, Broadview Heights)
This advertiser testimonial was presented to our WeatherSeal account executive, Bob Sitarz: “Bob, I am so glad we signed back up with you….. we took 13 max value leads today! Thanks for not giving up on me.”….John Conner, WeatherSeal Windows
This advertiser testimonial was presented to our El Rodeo account executive, Bob Sitarz: “Your magazine is very good! It’s working great for all of our restaurants…much better than all the other “clipper” magazines and envelope mailers. I have just cancelled my ads in the envelope mailer because MaxValues gives me much better response and so many more homes for less money! Thank you so much!” – Raul (El Rodeo, North Olmsted)
For information about advertising in our direct mail magazine, please call 440-447-0860 or visit our website @