Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Direct Mail Print Advertising

1. People still like the touch and feel of a tangible medium like paper. The shine, color and flexibility of printed ads, coupons and offers provide the user with something she or he may value more than something that can be easily overlooked or deleted like their digital counterparts. The ability to cut out a paper coupon or offer for later use can often be easier than saving or searching for a digital coupon or offer.

2. Direct Mail advertising can often target a more localized area and generate a larger response than an online marketing / PPC / business listing service. Online advertising often gets lost in the midst of many different national and local businesses looking to gamble on a few seconds of time a user may have to respond. Depending on the costs, an advertiser may purchase more impressions/clicks of ad space online and hope to generate a response or an advertiser can purchase an actual larger, color advertisement (designed how you want it to be designed and not confined to the design limitations of an online, digital environment) that a consumer can keep and use later.

3. Print advertising via direct mail can often cost a lot less due to the fact that you’re paying a flat fee for a larger target market, opposed to a pay per impression or monthly business listing service. PPC services will say that they are providing you with a click to your website based on a specific keyword. But, there is no guarantee that the person clicking is actually a consumer, competitor or another advertising agency. When consumers are looking thru a direct mail advertising piece, they are going to see your ad. If that ad stands out and has great offers, then the possibility for response is high. Online business listing services are excellent, but they provide exactly what their name says, they list your business online. This is not an in-your-face, color ad that screams out your offers and bates a response. It is an expensive service that helps develop your site presence on the internet, it is not true advertising.

4. Much of the online marketing services are focused on providing a digital text visibility of the name of your business, services and contact info. They don’t all provide a large, color, coupon filled advertising space that can hook a consumer response right away. The digital ad size equivalents to that of direct mail advertising ad space is terribly imbalanced. Digital space on a much larger format is very expensive and the reach does not balance out. Direct mail print advertising can be big, beautiful, colorful, information filled and an overall better bang for your advertising buck.

5. Your competitors are using direct mail print advertising. Don’t stop using an effective form of advertising because you think you can get the same response from an over-saturated online media environment. Direct mail is more personal and has a physical shelf life. It has greater stay power and that means more chance for more response. When you buy direct mail print advertising, you know what you’re buying. You know how many addresses you’re getting. You know how large your ad is. Know what you’re getting…go with direct mail print advertising.

Call MaxValues Magazine @ 855-759-7071 or visit our website for more information.